So, I've been trying out a new way of screencapping. This batch took me AGES to do with the new way of doing it dksdkgl. But feedback: are these better quality than the ones I've been posting? I'd really appreciate the feedback because if they *aren't* really better quality, then I want to know so I don't go wasting time doing it this way. So
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This is pretty much my first tutorial, sort of. Definitely my first animated icon tutorial. I decided to make an easy-to-follow tut because I can't count the amount of times I'd searched around for tutorials on how to make animated images, only to discover nothing made any sense or I got lost along the way because the instructions were so confusing
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YAY SCREENCAPS. I've been wanting to make these for ages but never had the right programme and never got around to really looking up how to make them. So, this is my first lot of screencaps. I will be capping season six of House each week in hi-res because I know, as an icon maker, that hi-res is always the best sorts of caps to work with.